Grúas y Equipos García performs an industrial equipment assembly maneuver with a 23-ton Titan crane for SAPCO Energía S.A. de C.V. located in the Industrial Zone of Guadalajara, Jalisco.
SAPCO is a company engaged in the development of construction, repair and maintenance projects in the field of renewable energy generation.
Innovation, quality and cost-effective execution have led SAPCO to be the Mexican reference in the assembly of gas turbines, steam and heat recovery systems (HRSG) of the latest generation, and from leading manufacturers in the world.
We carry out the installation from its foundation, structure, assembly and alignment of industrial equipment, which generates steam from the starch process , generating energy without using gas or fuel oil, being environmentally friendly.
A 23.6-tonTitan National Crane 900A was used to perform the service , in a hydraulic boom configuration at 31 meters and a maximum radius of 12 meters. Each piece had a maximum piece weight of 2 tons.
We are very satisfied and enthusiastic to be collaborators with each of our clients, which is why our goal is to offer continuous improvement, efficiency and innovation, and to comply with the high demands and requirements of our clients.